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Vacation Rental Scams

a home in the woods flooded

Vacation Rental Scams

With prices rising on hotel stays, many vacationers choose to rent private homes or apartments on sites like Airbnb. Unfortunately, though, vacation rental scams are rising, too. Here’s all you need to know about these scams and how to avoid them.

How these scams play out

There are several variations of vacation rental scams. 

In one version, the listed vacation rental doesn’t exist or is in poor condition. The scammer uses online or doctored photos to create the listing and even makes several fake reviews.

In another variation, a vacationer unknowingly books a rental on an Airbnb look-alike site. The fake website enables scammers to capture the vacationer’s payment information for other scams. 

Recently, vacation rental scams have taken on an even more sinister slant. Criminals are exploiting people’s kindness, using the war in Ukraine to con people out of their money. As a means of getting money to Ukrainians, generous donors are booking vacation rentals in Ukraine without intending to use them. Unfortunately, scammers have been creating fake listings in Ukraine and using the money to line their pockets. 

vacation rental sign on a run down old house - a scam

Red flags

Avoid a vacation rental scam by looking out for these warning signs: 

  • The listing is relatively new yet has many reviews from alleged past guests. 
  • The listing is full of typos.
  • Pictures and descriptions don’t match up to their price.
  • They ask you to finalize the reservation on a platform outside the actual one.
  • The owner insists on being paid by prepaid gift card or wire transfer. 

Protect yourself

Take these steps to protect yourself from a vacation rental scam:

  1. Triple-check the URL before booking. Look for signs of a secure site (the ‘S’ after the “HTTP”), and ensure you’re always on the authentic host site. 
  2. Verify the street address of a rental exists. 
  3. Do a reverse image search to see if the photos are doctored-up or copied stock images.
  4. Never share sensitive information online with an unverified contact. 
  5. Use a credit card for all online purchases. 

Don’t let your dream vacation turn into a nightmare. Instead, follow the tips outlined here, stay safe when booking vacation rentals, and don’t fall prey to this scam. If you like this post, make sure you check out our other MoneySmart Tips. And share this with your family and friends so they don’t become targets.