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Elevate CUAug 6, 2023 7:00:00 AM2 min read

Save On Energy Costs

10 Creative ways to save on energy costs

Are your summertime electricity bills astronomical? Check out our list of 10 creative ways to save on energy costs and cut your bill in the summer and all year round.

1. Plant Trees

If your home has many west-facing windows, you’re likely getting loads of sunlight each afternoon, making your AC unit work harder. Lower your energy consumption by planting trees or large shrubs before some of those windows.

2. Go Solar

If you can’t afford solar panels, consider leasing them instead. You will have a set monthly fee, which makes budgeting year-round easier. Also, the monthly payment is often 15% less than the local utility rate.

3. Rethink Your Roof

Is your roof dressed in black for 90-degree weather? By installing a sunlight-reflecting “cool roof,” you can reduce your roof’s temperature by up to 60 degrees. This reflection will trim your AC use by as much as 20%.

4. Keep Your Cool

Large, heat-generating appliances can warm up a room quickly. Consider running your washing machine and dishwasher at night or early morning when it’s cooler outside.

5. Lighten Up

Replace your light bulbs! By swapping out just five incandescent light bulbs in a high-traffic area of your home for CFL or LED bulbs, you can save $65 on annual energy costs.

a dog with twinkle lights around its neck


6. Seal All Leaks

You likely have leaking windows and doors if your home isn't new. Caulking regularly shrinks. The structural walls of houses tend to shift with time. To check for leaks:

  1. Run the match test.
  2. Shut down your AC unit and close all doors and windows.
  3. Hold a lit match near the windows and exterior doors of your home. If the flame moves, that indicates airflow, which means a leaky seal.

If you’ve got leaks, reseal your windows by weatherstripping the problem areas. A leaky door may need a door sweep replacement. Just peel off the old one and bring it to a home improvement shop so they can help you find a new one that fits your door.

7. Get Smart

By installing a smart thermostat, you will program your home to cool off precisely the times you need.

8. Pull The Plug

Up to 75% of energy consumption by home electronics happens when they are off. Save big by pulling out the plugs when you finish your electronics.

9. Fire Up The Grill

An oven cranked to the standard 350° makes your AC unit work harder. Use your grill for dinner prep. You’ll keep the heat out and enjoy the sunshine simultaneously!

10. Laundry Smarts

About 90% of the energy used for laundry comes from heating the water. When possible, choose the cold setting on your washing machine. Hanging your clothes to dry will also trim your bill. If you must use the dryer, stick some tennis balls in there to make it more efficient and finish faster.

Your Turn

Now that you know the 10 creative ways to save on your energy, which one will you try first? Do you have an energy-saving hack that keeps your electric bill manageable? Please share it with us in the comments! If you like these tips, check out our MoneySmart Tips blog.

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