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Elevate CUAug 15, 2023 11:15:00 AM3 min read

How To Reduce Your Energy Usage

How to Reduce Your Energy Usage

One of the best ways to live a sustainable lifestyle is to reduce energy usage. Energy efficiency practices can help you save money on your energy bills while also lowering your carbon footprint. It’s truly a win-win!

Let’s examine some ways to reduce your energy use and more efficiently use the energy you do use.

Heating and cooling

Heating and cooling devices account for a significant portion of our energy usage. With just a little extra thought, you can heat and cool your home more efficiently! However, there's a good chance your energy company charges more during peak times when most people utilize their heating and cooling. Avoid using yours during these peak times to avoid the upcharges—usually around 3 pm to 10 pm.

One way to accomplish this is by using a programmable thermostat. This will enable you to adjust the temperature in your home based on the family’s schedule so you’re not wasting energy when no one is at home.

Another great way to make your home’s heating and cooling systems more efficient is to ensure your home is properly insulated. This can prevent heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer, reducing the energy needed to maintain a comfortable temperature.

Finally, make sure your HVAC system is properly maintained. This includes regular filter changes, cleaning the coils, and annual inspections to ensure smooth operation.


One of the easiest ways to reduce energy usage through lighting is to switch to LED bulbs. According to, these bulbs use at least 75% less energy and last up to 25 times longer than incandescent lighting.

Of course, you can also reduce your lighting energy usage by remembering what your mom or dad taught you by turning off all lights when you leave a room. You can also use natural daylight whenever possible by opening all window blinds and/or curtains to let the sunshine in.

If you want a more significant lighting upgrade, consider installing skylights or solar tubes to bring more natural light into your home.

thermostat 70 degrees 


Appliances can be a huge energy drain on your home. When purchasing your upgrades, look for appliances certified to be energy-efficient and with the ENERGY STAR label.

You can also reduce your appliance energy usage by using them more efficiently. For example, be sure to fill your dishwasher and washing machines to their capacity before running them. Also, use the cold water setting on your washing machine whenever possible.

Finally, consider unplugging appliances when they’re not in use. Many appliances, even when turned off, continue to draw power, which can add up over time.

Smart home technology

Harness the power of technology to reduce your energy usage by automating energy-saving tasks. For example, you can use smart thermostats to adjust the temperature in your home based on your schedule and use smart plugs to turn off appliances when they’re not in use.

Some smart home devices can also provide real-time energy usage data, allowing you to see where you’re using the most energy and adjust accordingly.


Your home’s landscaping can directly impact your energy usage. Planting trees or installing shading devices can help decrease the direct sunlight that enters your home, reducing the need for air conditioning. On the flip side, if you live in a cooler area, you may plant trees and shrubs near your home to help keep the warmth in and lower your heating bill.

Alternative energy sources

If you’re ready to take a big step toward energy efficiency, you may want to consider installing solar panels on your roof. While these systems require a significant upfront investment, they can provide robust long-term savings and help improve your home's sustainability.

Reducing energy usage is important for both the environment and your wallet. By making small changes to your home and lifestyle, you can significantly reduce your energy consumption and improve the sustainability of your home.

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