Did you know there were 14.4 million victims of identity theft in 2018? According to Javelin Strategy, each case costs the victim an average of $1,050, and that’s only the dollar cost. When a thief steals an individual, the thief also impacts the victim’s financial health, recovery from which can take years. With these 9 things you can do to protect your identity, you are on your way to a safer place.

Luckily, you can take steps to prevent becoming the next victim.  Here’s your complete guide to identity theft protection.

1. Monitor your credit

Check your credit score for free on sites like CreditKarma.com and get a free annual report from each credit reporting agency at AnnualCreditReport.com. Look for sudden hits to your rating and suspicious activity on your report and credit card bills.

2.  Use multi-factor authentication

Always use multi-factor authentication for extra protection when banking online or using any other service utilizing sensitive information.