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Saving Money on College Textbooks

college textbooks open and ready to be read

Saving Money on College Textbooks

Everything about college is expensive, including college textbooks. Ultimately, the sacrifices will be worth it, but that’s no comfort to a poor college student staring at a few hundred dollars worth of textbooks every semester. On average, college students spend $1,200 a year on textbooks alone! Saving money on college textbooks is vital to your wallet. Luckily, you can go a few places to save a few dollars.

The First Day of Class

Many classes are taught from a single syllabus that governs multiple sections with many different professors. That means the book list may not be 100% accurate for the course you’re in. Hold off on buying books until the first day of class and ask your professor candidly how much the text is necessary for the course. Most classes are taught by adjuncts and graduate students who share the pain of expensive, never-used textbooks. You’d be surprised how many of them are willing to provide tips on the relevance of older editions or suggestions for sharing textbooks.

The first day of class can be helpful for another reason – you might find a friend willing to share the textbook. This may not be an ideal solution, but splitting the cost of a new book in half can be tough to beat, even with rentals and online shopping.

Campus and Local Libraries

Most libraries work on donations. In college towns, people move in and out frequently and want to leave textbooks behind. These two factors mean that a lot of libraries are going to get textbooks. Checking one out for the whole semester may not be feasible, but it might help to grab it for a few weeks to study or to help make sharing with a friend a little easier.

Comparison Shop

Search engines have made it easier than ever to find the lowest price on everything, and textbooks are no exception. They do have one qualification, though: changing editions. Particularly for math and science courses, problem numbers and answers are frequently among the only changes made from year to year. The best way to counteract this is to shop by ISBN. You can find this number in the book above the barcode. This number is tied to the specific edition and title, so there’s no chance of getting the wrong book by accident.


A variety of online stores will offer rental textbooks. These work just like the textbooks in high school did. You pay a fee at the start of the semester, and the company ships you the book. You ship it back at the end of the semester. Some sites will rent for around 60% of the price of a new book.

Get eBooks

In recent years, publishers have increasingly moved toward ebook publications to get their textbooks out. Printing and distribution costs are much lower, so the books’ prices tend to be lower as well. As a bonus, no one’s thrown their back out from carrying an e-reader all over campus!

Today there are many resources to find used books, e-books, and discount books. Saving money on textbooks does not have to be hard. Share your favorite way to save! If you need a little help with books or even tuition, we can help. Find out more at


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