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9 Tips To Use Your Phone Less

When your phone takes over your life

9 Tips to Use Your Phone Less

You may not think you’re addicted to your phone, but they are created to keep us completely absorbed and captivated. The average American adult checks their phone 96 times a day, or about every 10 minutes, and spends more than 4.5 hours on their phone daily. Here are 9 tips to use your phone less and spend more time in the real world.

1. Track the time you spend on your phone 

Most phones today, including Apple and Google phones, track your screen time automatically. Swing into settings to see insights on what apps you spend the most time on, and the time of day you’re most likely to check your phone. That way, you can make a game plan to prevent yourself from picking up your phone as often.

2. Socialize without it

Being busy with your phone when you’re out with friends means telling them you’d rather be elsewhere. Seriously, how rude can you get? Keep your phone out of sight when spending time with family or friends. You might discover that socializing IRL is much better than what you can do on-screen.

3. Ban it from your bedroom

Sleeping with your phone can kill the quality of your shut-eye. The bright screen messes with your melatonin production, and your phone’s endless distraction can keep you up for hours. Instead, kick your phone out of bed and leave it charging overnight in another room. You’ll perform better on every level after a phone-free night’s sleep.

4. Delete a social media app — or all of them!

If smartphones are the ultimate time-waster, it’s social media that takes the blame for making them so absorbing. Waiting for our friends’ approval and likes can be addictive and give a false impression that we’re actually connecting meaningfully.

Cut down on your social media hours by limiting it to a set amount of time or even deleting it altogether. 

5. Spend your meals apart 

Yes, you can actually enjoy a good meal without sharing it with your crowd of fawning Instagram followers.  You’ll make smarter meal choices and enjoy it more when eating alone.

6. Give it the cold shoulder

Be brave and turn off all notifications on your phone except for phone and text messages. You don’t need to know every time a retailer sends you a promotional email or an app alerts you about something senseless. Every notification compels you to pick up your phone again. So, turn them off, and you’ll be less inclined to waste time on your phone.

7. Prepare for withdrawal symptoms

Scientists have found that phone addiction is very real – and so are the withdrawal symptoms people experience when they disengage from their devices. Be prepared for feelings of anxiety and restlessness for the first few days after you spend less time with your phone. Don’t worry; you’ll get over it soon.

8. Take email off your phone

Most of us only skim through incoming emails on our phones, not responding until we’re sitting at a computer. The emails, then, only serve to distract us. Keep your virtual mail on your computer for more freedom from your phone.

9. Leave it at home

Finally, if you’ve detached enough from your phone that you no longer feel like you’re missing a limb if it’s not within your reach, start going out without your phone. You’ll experience the freedom of living and breathing in the moment with no distractions.

Our phones are a huge part of our life, but they can be too much, and you may be too addicted. It is okay to cut back on time spent with your phone. With these 9 tips, you will use your phone less and get your real life back. If you like these tips, make sure to check out our other MoneySmart Tips.